ACDiscountApp.CartPage.Show_CalculateTier = function () { let TierProducts = []; var UpdateCartItem = function (item, updatedItemPrice, updatedLinePrice, isNotInRange, isUpdate, index) { if (isUpdate) { var originalItemPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_price / 100), originalLinePrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100); var condition1 = updatedItemPrice == originalItemPrice; updatedItemPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalString(updatedItemPrice), updatedLinePrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalString(updatedLinePrice); if (isNotInRange || condition1) { if(item.original_price == item.discounted_price){ /* itemcart*/ jQuery('form[action="/cart"] .cart-list .details .cart--price.h-mobile').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); /* D*/ jQuery('#dropdown-cart .cart-collateral').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); } else{ /* itemcart*/ jQuery('form[action="/cart"] .cart-list .details .cart--price.h-mobile').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); /* D*/ jQuery('#dropdown-cart .cart-collateral').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); } jQuery('form[action="/cart"] .cart-list .details .cart--total.h-mobile').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedLinePrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); jQuery('.drawer__inner .cart-item__totals.right').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedLinePrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); } else { originalItemPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalString(originalItemPrice), originalLinePrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalString(originalLinePrice); if(item.original_price == item.discounted_price){ /* itemcart*/ jQuery('form[action="/cart"] .cart-list .details .cart--price.h-mobile').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(originalItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); /* D*/ jQuery('#dropdown-cart .cart-collateral').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(originalItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); } else{ /* itemcart*/ jQuery('form[action="/cart"] .cart-list .details .cart--price.h-mobile').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(originalItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); /* D*/ jQuery('#dropdown-cart .cart-collateral').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(originalItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedItemPrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); } jQuery('form[action="/cart"] .cart-list .details .cart--total.h-mobile').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(originalLinePrice, globalFields.amount) + '
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedLinePrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); jQuery('.drawer__inner .cart-item__totals.right').eq(index).html('
' + globalFields.formatMoney(originalLinePrice, globalFields.amount) + '
' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedLinePrice, globalFields.amount) + '
'); } } jQuery('.t4s-cart_discount_price').remove(); } var UpdateCartSubtotal = function (isUpdate, updatedTotalPrice, originalTotalPrice) { if (isUpdate) { // jQuery('.anncodeCartTotal').remove(); updatedTotalPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalString(updatedTotalPrice), originalTotalPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalString(originalTotalPrice); if (originalTotalPrice != updatedTotalPrice) { jQuery('.cart-template .total .price:first,.cart-template .total .price:last,.anncodeCartTotal').replaceWith('' + globalFields.formatMoney(originalTotalPrice, globalFields.amount) + ' ' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedTotalPrice, globalFields.amount) + ''); jQuery('#dropdown-cart .summary .total .price,.anncodeCartTotal').replaceWith('' + globalFields.formatMoney(originalTotalPrice, globalFields.amount) + ' ' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedTotalPrice, globalFields.amount) + ''); } else { jQuery('.cart-template .total .price:first,.cart-template .total .price:last,.anncodeCartTotal').replaceWith('' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedTotalPrice, globalFields.amount) + ''); jQuery('#dropdown-cart .summary .total .price,.anncodeCartTotal').replaceWith('' + globalFields.formatMoney(updatedTotalPrice, globalFields.amount) + ''); } } } var UpdateSavingMessage = function (isUpdate) { if (priceDiff > 0 && isUpdate && globalFields.isCartPage) { var saveMessage = globalFields.settings.cart_saving_message.replace('{{discount_amount}}', '' + globalFields.formatMoney(priceDiff.toFixed(2), globalFields.amount) + ''); var saveHtml = '' + saveMessage + ''; if (jQuery(window).width() < 700) { jQuery('#saved-banner-div').length == 0 ? jQuery('form[action="/cart"] .right-col .groued-info .total').after('
' + saveHtml + '
') : jQuery('#saved-banner-div').html(saveHtml); } else{ jQuery('#saved-banner-div').length == 0 ? jQuery('form[action="/cart"] .right-col .groued-info .total').after('
' + saveHtml + '
') : jQuery('#saved-banner-div').html(saveHtml); } } else if (globalFields.isCartPage) { jQuery('#saved-banner-div').remove(); } } var CheckoutClickCart = function () { jQuery('form[action="/cart"] .right-col .grouped-bottom .btn-actions input[name="checkout"]').click(function () { TieredPricingCart(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj, false); GetCode(false); }); } var CheckoutClickAjax = function () { jQuery('#dropdown-cart .actions button,.drawer__footer button[name="checkout"]').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); GetCode(true); }); } var GetCode = function (isUpper) { if (priceDiff > 0) { jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, url: "", data: {TierProductsarray:JSON.stringify(TierProducts),priceDifference: priceDiff, subTotal: minimumDiscountSubtotal, variantIds: variantIdsToSend.toString(),cartobject:JSON.stringify(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj) }, success: function (result) { var data_ = JSON.stringify(result); var parsed_data = JSON.parse(data_); var PRID = parsed_data.PRID; var DCID = parsed_data.DCID; var DiscountCode = parsed_data.DiscountCode; SetCookie("discountCodes", PRID + "-" + DCID + "-" + DiscountCode, 30); if (!isUpper) { DiscountCodeCookie(DiscountCode); jQuery('form[action="/cart"]').append(''); window.location.href = '/checkout?discount=' + DiscountCode; } else { DiscountCodeCookie(DiscountCode); //jQuery('form.cart-form').append(''); window.location.href = '/checkout?discount=' + DiscountCode; } }, error: function (e) { console.log(e.statusText); window.location.href = '/checkout'; } }); } else if (isUpper) { window.location.href = '/checkout'; } else{ window.location.href = '/checkout'; } } var ReInvokeAjaxCartButton = function () { jQuery('.mb_cart.mb_item button.btn, .top-header .dropdown-cart button.btn').off("click"); CheckoutClickAjax(); } var variantIdsToSend = [], minimumDiscountSubtotal = 0, priceDiff = 0; var hide_buttons = null; var HideAdditionalPayments = function() { hide_buttons = setInterval(function() { if(jQuery('.additional_checkout_buttons, .dynamic-checkout__content').length>0){ jQuery('.additional_checkout_buttons, .dynamic-checkout__content').hide(); clearInterval(hide_buttons); } }, 500); } var TieredPricingCart = function (cartObject, isUpdate) { variantIdsToSend = []; minimumDiscountSubtotal = 0; priceDiff = 0; var updatedTotalPrice = 0; TierProducts = []; for (k = 0; k < cartObject.items.length; k++) { var item = cartObject.items[k], isInRange = true; itemTiers = GetTiersFromTiersArray(item.variant_id); if (itemTiers != undefined && itemTiers.status && globalFields.StartEndDateValid(itemTiers.start_date, itemTiers.end_date)) { let DiscountAppliedOn = itemTiers.DiscountAppliedON != null && itemTiers.DiscountAppliedON != '' && itemTiers.DiscountAppliedON != undefined ? true : false; let Location_Tag_s = itemTiers.Location_Tag_ != null && itemTiers.Location_Tag_ != '' && itemTiers.Location_Tag_ != undefined ? true : false; if(DiscountAppliedOn){ if(Location_Tag_s){ let DiscountAppliedOnTag =itemTiers.DiscountAppliedON == 'Both_Store' || itemTiers.DiscountAppliedON == 'Online_Store' ? true : false; let LocationObject = Object.keys(itemTiers.Location_Tag_); if(LocationObject[0] == 'StoreLocation'){ let StoreLocationcheck = itemTiers.Location_Tag_[LocationObject[0]].includes(globalFields.Storecountry) || itemTiers.Location_Tag_[LocationObject[0]].includes(globalFields.Storecity) ? true : false; if(StoreLocationcheck && DiscountAppliedOnTag){ var rslt = CalculateTier(item, itemTiers, updatedTotalPrice, isUpdate, true, k); updatedTotalPrice = rslt[0]; isInRange = rslt[1]; if (rslt[1]) { updatedTotalPrice += globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100); } }else{ updatedTotalPrice += globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100); } }else{ let TierLocation = itemTiers.Location_Tag_[LocationObject[0]]; let CusotmerCountryLocation = globalFields.Customercountry; let CusotmerCityLocation = globalFields.Customercity; let CustomerLocationcheck_1 = (arr, arr1) =>{return arr.some(item => arr1.includes(item))}; let CustomerLocationcheck_2 = (arr2, arr3) =>{return arr2.some(item => arr3.includes(item))}; let CityValue = CustomerLocationcheck_1(TierLocation,CusotmerCountryLocation); let CountryValue = CustomerLocationcheck_2(TierLocation,CusotmerCityLocation); if(DiscountAppliedOnTag && (CityValue || CountryValue)){ var rslt = CalculateTier(item, itemTiers, updatedTotalPrice, isUpdate, true, k); updatedTotalPrice = rslt[0]; isInRange = rslt[1]; if (rslt[1]) { updatedTotalPrice += globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100); } }else{ updatedTotalPrice += globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100); } } }else{ if(itemTiers.DiscountAppliedON == 'Both_Store' || itemTiers.DiscountAppliedON == 'Online_Store' ){ var rslt = CalculateTier(item, itemTiers, updatedTotalPrice, isUpdate, true, k); updatedTotalPrice = rslt[0]; isInRange = rslt[1]; if (rslt[1]) { updatedTotalPrice += globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100); } }else{ updatedTotalPrice += globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100); } } }else{ var rslt = CalculateTier(item, itemTiers, updatedTotalPrice, isUpdate, true, k); updatedTotalPrice = rslt[0]; isInRange = rslt[1]; if (rslt[1]) { updatedTotalPrice += globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100); } } } else { UpdateCartItem(item, globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_price / 100), globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100), true, true, k); updatedTotalPrice += globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100); } if (!isInRange) { minimumDiscountSubtotal += globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100); variantIdsToSend.push(item.variant_id); } } UpdateCartSubtotal(isUpdate, globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(updatedTotalPrice), globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(cartObject.original_total_price / 100)); priceDiff = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber((globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(cartObject.original_total_price / 100) - globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(updatedTotalPrice))); UpdateSavingMessage(isUpdate); if(priceDiff){ HideAdditionalPayments(); } setTimeout(function(){ clearInterval(hide_buttons); }, 5000); } setTimeout(function(){ clearInterval(hide_buttons); }, 10000); var GetTiersFromTiersArray = function (variantId) { var tierObj = jQuery.grep(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartTiersArray, function (n) { return (n.variant_id === variantId); }); if (tierObj[0].tiers == "[]") { return undefined; } else { return globalFields.GetTierObject(tierObj[0].tiers[0], variantId); } } var CalculateTier = function (item, itemTiers, updatedTotalPrice, isUpdate, isNotInRange, index) { let isFound = TierProducts.some(element => {if (element.VarientID === item.variant_id) { return true;}return false;}); for (i = 0; i < itemTiers.tier_min.length; i++) { var allVariantItemQty = 0; var tierPrice = parseFloat(itemTiers.tier_values[i]); let tempTierProductsobj = {}; var minTier = parseInt(itemTiers.tier_min[i]), maxTier = itemTiers.tier_max[i] != 'max' ? parseInt(itemTiers.tier_max[i]) : itemTiers.tier_max[i]; var updatedItemPrice = 0, updatedLinePrice = 0, condition1 = false, condition2 = false; /*start if condtion*/ if(itemTiers.mixMatch){ if (itemTiers.entity_type === 'products' || itemTiers.entity_type === 'collections') { var tempItemArray = []; if (itemTiers.entity_type === 'collections') { var tempTierArray = jQuery.grep(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartTiersArray, function (n) { return (n.tiers != '[]' && n.tiers[0].entity_type == 'collections' && n.tiers[0].mixmacthentityId == itemTiers.mixmacthentityId); }); for (var m = 0; m < tempTierArray.length; m++) { var temp = jQuery.grep(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj.items, function (n) { return (n.variant_id == tempTierArray[m].variant_id); }); if (temp.length != 0) { tempItemArray.push(temp[0]); } } } if (itemTiers.entity_type === 'products') { var tempTierArray = jQuery.grep(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartTiersArray, function (n) { return (n.tiers != '[]' && n.tiers[0].entity_type == 'products' && n.tiers[0].mixmacthentityId == itemTiers.mixmacthentityId); }); for (var m = 0; m < tempTierArray.length; m++) { var temp = jQuery.grep(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj.items, function (n) { return (n.variant_id == tempTierArray[m].variant_id); }); if (temp.length != 0) { tempItemArray.push(temp[0]); } } } for (j = 0; j < tempItemArray.length; j++) { allVariantItemQty += tempItemArray[j].quantity; } condition1 = allVariantItemQty >= minTier; condition2 = maxTier == "max" || allVariantItemQty <= maxTier; } else { var tempItemArray = []; var tempTierArray = jQuery.grep(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartTiersArray, function (n) { return (n.tiers != '[]' && n.tiers[0].entity_type == 'variants' && n.tiers[0].mixmacthentityId == itemTiers.mixmacthentityId); }); for (var m = 0; m < tempTierArray.length; m++) { var temp = jQuery.grep(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj.items, function (n) { return (n.variant_id == tempTierArray[m].variant_id); }); if (temp.length != 0) { tempItemArray.push(temp[0]); } } for (j = 0; j < tempItemArray.length; j++) { allVariantItemQty += tempItemArray[j].quantity; } condition1 = allVariantItemQty >= minTier; condition2 = maxTier == "max" || allVariantItemQty <= maxTier; } } /*End Condtion*/ else{ if (itemTiers.entity_type === 'products' || itemTiers.entity_type === 'collections') { var tempItemArray = []; if (itemTiers.entity_type === 'collections') { var tempTierArray = jQuery.grep(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartTiersArray, function (n) { return (n.tiers != '[]' && n.tiers[0].entity_type == 'collections' && n.tiers[0].entity_id == itemTiers.entity_id); }); for (var m = 0; m < tempTierArray.length; m++) { var temp = jQuery.grep(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj.items, function (n) { return (n.variant_id == tempTierArray[m].variant_id); }); if (temp.length != 0) { tempItemArray.push(temp[0]); } } } else { tempItemArray = jQuery.grep(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj.items, function (n) { return (n.product_id == item.product_id ); }); } for (j = 0; j < tempItemArray.length; j++) { allVariantItemQty += tempItemArray[j].quantity; } condition1 = allVariantItemQty >= minTier; condition2 = maxTier == "max" || allVariantItemQty <= maxTier; } else { condition1 = item.quantity >= minTier; condition2 = maxTier == "max" || item.quantity <= maxTier; } } if (condition1 && condition2) { isNotInRange = false; if (itemTiers.discount_type == 'percentage') { var originalPriceCut = parseFloat(globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber((parseFloat(tierPrice) / 100) * globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_price / 100))); updatedItemPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_price / 100) - originalPriceCut); if(!isFound){ tempTierProductsobj['Discountvalue'] = tierPrice; tempTierProductsobj['DiscountType'] = itemTiers.discount_type; tempTierProductsobj['VarientID'] = item.variant_id; tempTierProductsobj['titleDiscount'] ="TIERD-Discount"; } } else if (itemTiers.discount_type == 'fixed') { updatedItemPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_price / 100) - parseFloat(tierPrice)); if(!isFound){ tempTierProductsobj['Discountvalue'] = tierPrice; tempTierProductsobj['DiscountType'] = itemTiers.discount_type; tempTierProductsobj['VarientID'] = item.variant_id; tempTierProductsobj['titleDiscount'] ="TIERD-Discount"; } } else if (itemTiers.discount_type == 'fixed_price') { updatedItemPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(parseFloat(tierPrice)); if(!isFound){ tempTierProductsobj['Discountvalue'] = tierPrice; tempTierProductsobj['DiscountType'] = itemTiers.discount_type; tempTierProductsobj['VarientID'] = item.variant_id; tempTierProductsobj['titleDiscount'] ="TIERD-Discount"; } } if (updatedItemPrice < 0) { updatedItemPrice = 0; } updatedLinePrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(updatedItemPrice * item.quantity); updatedTotalPrice += globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(updatedLinePrice); UpdateCartItem(item, updatedItemPrice, updatedLinePrice, isNotInRange, isUpdate, index); if(!isFound){ TierProducts.push(tempTierProductsobj); } } } if (isNotInRange) { UpdateCartItem(item, globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_price / 100), globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(item.original_line_price / 100), isNotInRange, isUpdate, index); } return [updatedTotalPrice, isNotInRange]; } var DiscountCodeCookie = function (discount_code) { jQuery.ajax({ type: "HEAD", url: "/discount/" + discount_code, success: function (_result) { }, error: function (e) { console.log(e.statusText); } }) } var FetchCartTiers = function () { jQuery.ajax({ async: false, url: "/cart/?view=ac_cart_tiers", success: function (result) { globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartTiersArray = JSON.parse(result); TieredPricingCart(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj, true); CheckoutClickAjax(); }, error: function (e) { console.log(e.statusText); } }); } /* var open =, send = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send, onReadyStateChange; function openReplacement(method, url, async, user, password) { return open.apply(this, arguments); } function sendReplacement(data) { this.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { ProcessCartResponse(this._url, this.responseText); } }; return send.apply(this, arguments); } = openReplacement; window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = sendReplacement; */ jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, settings) { ProcessCartResponse(settings.url, xhr.responseText); }); var ProcessCartResponse = function (splittedUrl, responseText) { if (splittedUrl != 'undefined' && splittedUrl != "" && splittedUrl != null) { splittedUrl = splittedUrl.split("?"); if (splittedUrl[0] == "/cart.js" || splittedUrl[0] == "/cart/change.js") { jQuery('#cart-notification button[name="checkout"],.drawer__footer button[name="checkout"]').text('\n Loading...\n '); jQuery('.cart__checkout-button.button').text('\n Loading...\n '); globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj = JSON.parse(responseText); setTimeout(function () { FetchCartTiers(); CheckoutClickAjax(); }, 1200); } } } try{ var nativeFetch = window.fetch; window.fetch = function(...args) { if(args[0].includes("/cart/change") || args[0].includes("/cart/add")){ setTimeout(function () { fetch('/cart.js') .then(r => r.json().then(data => ({status: r.status, body: data}))) .then(obj => ProcessCartResponse("/cart.js", JSON.stringify(obj.body))); }, 800); } return nativeFetch.apply(window, args); } } catch(e){} var CheckoutClickAjaxPopUp = function () { FetchCartTiers(); } async function handleDiscount() { try { const response = await fetch("/discount/CLEAR"); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`); } const contentType = response.headers.get("Content-Type"); if (contentType && contentType.includes("application/json")) { const data = await response.json(); // Continue processing or updating the UI as needed } else { // Handle non-JSON content, such as HTML or other types // console.error("Unexpected content type:", contentType); // Handle specific error scenarios or display a user-friendly message } } catch (error) { // Handle errors // console.error("Error fetching discount:", error.message); // Handle specific error scenarios or display a user-friendly message } } // Call the function to initiate the fetch and handle the promise handleDiscount(); var perfEntries = performance.getEntriesByType("navigation"); if (perfEntries[0].type === "back_forward") { location.reload(); } var SetCookie = function (cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/"; } setTimeout(function () { TieredPricingCart(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj, true); CheckoutClickCart(); CheckoutClickAjax();CheckoutClickAjaxPopUp(); }, 800); TieredPricingCart(globalFieldsCartPage_AC.cartObj, true); CheckoutClickCart(); CheckoutClickAjax();CheckoutClickAjaxPopUp(); } var globalFieldsCartPage_AC = new ACDiscountApp.CartPage.Global(); var cartObject = new ACDiscountApp.CartPage.Show_CalculateTier();