// ACDiscountApp.PDPage.DisplayTiers = function () { // var storeTime = globalFields.Storetime(); // // Parse the date string into individual components // let [currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay, currentHours, currentMinutes, currentSeconds] = storeTime.split(/[\sT:-]/); // currentYear = parseInt(currentYear); // currentMonth = parseInt(currentMonth); // Months are zero-based in JavaScript // currentDay = parseInt(currentDay); // currentHours = parseInt(currentHours); // currentMinutes =parseInt(currentMinutes); // currentSeconds = parseInt(currentSeconds); // function makeTimer(end_date) { // if(globalFields.isProduct_Page){ // if(end_date != null){ // jQuery("#ac_countDown").css("display", "block"); // var endTime = end_date; // // Increment seconds by 1 // currentSeconds++; // // Adjust minutes, hours, and day if necessary // if (currentSeconds >= 60) { // currentSeconds = 0; // currentMinutes++; // if (currentMinutes >= 60) { // currentMinutes = 0; // currentHours++; // if (currentHours >= 24) { // currentHours = 0; // currentDay++; // } // } // } // // Reformat the updated timestamp // let currentStoreTime = `${currentYear}-${currentMonth.toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${currentDay.toString().padStart(2, '0')}T${currentHours.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${currentMinutes.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${currentSeconds.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; // endTime = (Date.parse(endTime) / 1000); // var now = currentStoreTime; // now = (Date.parse(now) / 1000); // var timeLeft = endTime - now; // var days = Math.floor(timeLeft / 86400); // var hours = Math.floor(timeLeft / 3600); // var exactHour = hours % 24; // var minutes = Math.floor((timeLeft - (hours * 3600 )) / 60); // var seconds = Math.floor((timeLeft - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60))); // var isDays = false; // if (days > 0 || hours > 24){isDays = true;} // if (days < 0) { days = "00"; /*hours = "0"; minutes = "0"; seconds = "0";*/ } // if (hours < 10) { hours = "0" + hours; } // if (minutes < 10) { minutes = "0" + minutes; } // if (seconds < 10) { seconds = "0" + seconds; } // if(timeLeft > 0){ // if(isDays){ // $(".ac__days").html(days); $(".ac__hours").html(exactHour); $(".ac__minutes").html(minutes); // $(".ac_sec, .ac__colon.seconds").hide(); // } // else{ // $(".ac__hours").html(exactHour); $(".ac__minutes").html(minutes); $(".ac__seconds").html(seconds); // $(".ac_day, .ac__colon.hours").hide(); $(".ac_sec, .ac__colon.seconds").show(); // } // } // else{jQuery('.ac__settings__table, #ac_countDown').remove();} // setTimeout(function () { // jQuery('.ac__settings__table').after(jQuery("#ac_countDown")); // }, 500); // } // } // } // var hide_buttons = null; // var HideAdditionalPayments = function() { // hide_buttons = setInterval(function() { // if(jQuery('.shopify-payment-button__button').length>0){ // jQuery('.shopify-payment-button__button').hide(); // clearInterval(hide_buttons); // } // }, 500); // } // this.DisplayTiersFn = function () { // setTimeout(function () { // jQuery('.ac__settings__table').remove(); // var selectedVariant = jQuery('input[name^=id]:checked, select[name^=id], input[name=id], hidden[name^=id]', jQuery('form[action="/cart/add"]')).val(); // if (selectedVariant != null && globalFieldsProductPage_AC.productMetafield != '[]' && globalFieldsProductPage_AC.productMetafield != undefined) { // var tierObj = globalFields.GetTierObject(globalFieldsProductPage_AC.productMetafield, selectedVariant); // if (tierObj != undefined && tierObj.status && globalFields.StartEndDateValid(tierObj.start_date, tierObj.end_date)) { // var getDates = globalFields.TimerStartEndDateValid(tierObj.start_date, tierObj.end_date); // getDates.valid; getDates.start_date; getDates.end_date; // let timer_settings = parsed_timer_settings; // WriteTableHeading(tierObj); // WriteTableRows(tierObj, selectedVariant); // if(timer_settings != undefined){ // if(timer_settings.TimerStatus){ // if(getDates.valid){ // setInterval(function() { makeTimer(getDates.end_date); }, 1000); // } // } // } // jQuery('.shopify-payment-button__button').hide(); // setTimeout(function(){ // jQuery('.shopify-payment-button__button').hide(); // HideAdditionalPayments(); // }, 2000); // setTimeout(function(){ // clearInterval(hide_buttons); // }, 5000); // } // } // }, 200); // } // setTimeout(function(){ // clearInterval(hide_buttons); // }, 10000); // this.OnVariantChange = function () { // setTimeout(function () { // $(".single-option-selector,.single-option-selector__radio").change(function () { // displayTiers.DisplayTiersFn(); // }); // }, 2000); // } // this.changePrice = function(){ // var productPrice = jQuery('form[action="/cart/add"] .price-list .money').text().split('£')[1]; // productPrice = globalFields.formatMoney(Number(productPrice).toFixed(2), globalFields.amount); // // alert(productPrice); // if(jQuery('table.ac__settings__table').length > 0){ // var discountedPrice = jQuery('table.ac__settings__table .ac__tr:last td:eq(1) .money').text().split('£')[1]; // discountedPrice = globalFields.formatMoney(Number(discountedPrice).toFixed(2), globalFields.amount); // var discountedQty = jQuery('table.ac__settings__table .ac__tr:last td:eq(0)').text().split('+')[0]; // discountedQty = Number(discountedQty); // var originalChangeQty = jQuery('form[action="/cart/add"] input.quantity-selector__value').val(); // originalChangeQty = Number(originalChangeQty); // if(isNaN(originalChangeQty)){ // originalChangeQty = 1; // } // // console.log('discountedQty', discountedQty); // // console.log('originalChangeQty', originalChangeQty); // // alert(originalChangeQty); // var updatedItemPrice = 0 // var selectedVariant = jQuery('input[name^=id]:checked, select[name^=id], input[name=id], hidden[name^=id]', jQuery('form[action="/cart/add"]')).val(); // if(selectedVariant == ""){ // let id_= Object.keys(globalFieldsProductPage_AC.variantsPriceArray_PD) // selectedVariant = id_[0]; // } // if (selectedVariant != null && globalFieldsProductPage_AC.productMetafield != '[]' && globalFieldsProductPage_AC.productMetafield != undefined && selectedVariant != "") { // var tierObj = globalFields.GetTierObject(globalFieldsProductPage_AC.productMetafield, selectedVariant); // if (tierObj != undefined && tierObj.status && globalFields.StartEndDateValid(tierObj.start_date, tierObj.end_date)) { // for (i = 0; i < tierObj.tier_min.length; i++) { // var tierPrice = parseFloat(tierObj.tier_values[i]); // var minTier = parseInt(tierObj.tier_min[i]), maxTier = tierObj.tier_max[i] != 'max' ? parseInt(tierObj.tier_max[i]) : tierObj.tier_max[i]; // var updatedLinePrice = 0, condition1 = false, condition2 = false; // var originalPrice_ = jQuery('form[action="/cart/add"] .price-list .money').text().split('£')[1]; // originalPrice_ = Number(originalPrice_); // condition1 = originalChangeQty >= minTier; // condition2 = maxTier == "max" || originalChangeQty <= maxTier; // if (condition1 && condition2) { break; } // } // if (condition1 && condition2) { // if (tierObj.discount_type == 'percentage') { // var originalPriceCut = parseFloat(globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber((parseFloat(tierPrice) / 100) * globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(originalPrice_))); // updatedItemPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(originalPrice_) - originalPriceCut); // } // else if (tierObj.discount_type == 'fixed') { // updatedItemPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(originalPrice_) - parseFloat(tierPrice)); // } // else if (tierObj.discount_type == 'fixed_price') { // updatedItemPrice = globalFields.ConvertToFixedDecimalNumber(parseFloat(tierPrice)); // } // updatedItemPrice = globalFields.formatMoney(Number(updatedItemPrice).toFixed(2), globalFields.amount); // jQuery('form[action="/cart/add"] .price-list').html(` //
// ${productPrice} // ${updatedItemPrice} //
`); // } // else{ // jQuery('form[action="/cart/add"] .price-list').html(` //
// ${productPrice} //
`); // } // } // } // } // } // this.OnQuantityChange = function () { // setTimeout(function () { // $("input.quantity-selector__value").keyup(function(){ // displayTiers.changePrice(); // }); // $('form[action="/cart/add"] button.quantity-selector__button').click(function(){ // setTimeout(function(){ // displayTiers.changePrice(); // },100); // }); // }, 2000); // } // var TableHeadHtml = function (contentHtml, tableSelector, position) { // jQuery(tableSelector).before(contentHtml) // } // var WriteTableHeading = function (tierObj) { // var tableSelector = 'form[action="/cart/add"] .product-form__buttons button[name="add"]'; // if (globalFields.settings.selected_table == "table1") { // TableHeadHtml('
' + globalFields.settings.table_headers.header1_value + '' + globalFields.settings.table_headers.header2_value + '
', tableSelector); // } // if (globalFields.settings.selected_table == "table2") { // TableHeadHtml('
' + globalFields.settings.table_headers.header1_value + '' + globalFields.settings.table_headers.header2_value + '' + globalFields.settings.table_headers.header3_value + '
', tableSelector); // } // if (globalFields.settings.selected_table == "table3") { // TableHeadHtml('
' + globalFields.settings.table_headers.header1_value + '' + globalFields.settings.table_headers.header3_value + '
', tableSelector); // } // if (globalFields.settings.selected_table == "table4") { // TableHeadHtml('
', tableSelector); // } // } // var TableRowHtml = function (contentHtml, tableSelector) { // jQuery(tableSelector).append(contentHtml); // } // var TableRowSingle = function (tieredMin_, tieredMax_, discountedPrice, tieredOff, index) { // var plusSign = tieredMin_ == tieredMax_ ? '' : '+', buyText = 'Buy '; // var priceHtml = '' + globalFields.formatMoney(discountedPrice, globalFields.amount) + ''; // if (globalFields.settings.selected_table == "table1") { // TableRowHtml(' ' + tieredMin_ + plusSign + '' + tieredOff + '', '#ac_table1 .ac__tbody'); // } // if (globalFields.settings.selected_table == "table2") { // TableRowHtml(' ' + tieredMin_ + '' + tieredMax_ + '' + tieredOff + '', '#ac_table2 .ac__tbody'); // } // if (globalFields.settings.selected_table == "table3") { // TableRowHtml(' ' + tieredMin_ + plusSign + '' + tieredOff + '', '#ac_table3 .ac__tbody'); // } // if (globalFields.settings.selected_table == "table4") { // var quantityTextTable4 = tieredMin_ + "-" + tieredMax_; // if (tieredMax_ == "+") { // quantityTextTable4 = tieredMin_ + "+"; // } // TableRowHtml(' ' + globalFields.settings.table_body.body1_value + ' ' + tieredMin_ + ' ' + globalFields.settings.table_body.body2_value + ' ' + tieredOff + '', '#ac_table4'); // } // // jQuery('form[action="/cart/add"] .price-list').after(priceHtml); // } // var WriteTableRows = function (tierObj, selectedVariant_) { // var originalPrice_ = globalFieldsProductPage_AC.variantsPriceArray_PD[selectedVariant_]; originalPrice_ = originalPrice_ / 100; // for (i = 0; i < tierObj.tier_min.length; i++) { // var isBreakLoop = false, tieredOff = Number(tierObj.tier_values[i]); // var tieredMin_ = parseInt(tierObj.tier_min[i]), tieredMax_ = tierObj.tier_max[i], discountedPrice = 0; // if (tieredMax_ != "max") { // tieredMax_ = parseInt(tieredMax_); // } // else { // tieredMax_ = "+"; // } // if (tierObj.discount_type == "percentage") { // discountedPrice = Number(originalPrice_.toFixed(2)); // var p = parseFloat(tieredOff) / 100, originalPriceCut_ = Number(parseFloat(p * discountedPrice).toFixed(2)); // discountedPrice = discountedPrice - originalPriceCut_; // if (discountedPrice <= 0) { // discountedPrice = 0; // tieredOff = "100%"; // isBreakLoop = true; // tieredMax_ = "+"; // } // else { // discountedPrice = discountedPrice.toFixed(2); // tieredOff = tieredOff + "% OFF"; // } // } // else if (tierObj.discount_type == "fixed_price") { // discountedPrice = tieredOff.toFixed(2); // tieredOff = globalFields.formatMoney(tieredOff.toFixed(2), globalFields.amount); // } // else { // // discountedPrice = Number((originalPrice_ - tieredOff).toFixed(2)); // // if (discountedPrice <= 0) { // // discountedPrice = 0; // // tieredOff = globalFields.formatMoney(originalPrice_.toFixed(2), globalFields.amount); // // isBreakLoop = true; // // tieredMax_ = "+"; // // } // // else { // discountedPrice = discountedPrice.toFixed(2); // tieredOff = globalFields.formatMoney(tieredOff.toFixed(2), globalFields.amount) + " OFF"; // // } // } // tieredMin_ = globalFields.formatMoney(tieredMin_.toFixed(2), globalFields.amount) ; // TableRowSingle(tieredMin_, tieredMax_, discountedPrice, tieredOff, i + 1); // if (isBreakLoop) { break; } // } // } // } // var globalFieldsProductPage_AC = new ACDiscountApp.PDPage.Global(), displayTiers = new ACDiscountApp.PDPage.DisplayTiers(); // displayTiers.DisplayTiersFn(); displayTiers.OnVariantChange(); displayTiers.OnQuantityChange(); // setTimeout(function(){ // displayTiers.changePrice(); // },3000);